"Please Delete" = Please BAN!!

I am getting pretty tired of these “Please Delete” posts. If you don’t want the opinion of the internet, or can not handle the response you may receive, you should not be posting your thread in the first place.
I move for a motion to 3 day ban people who delete their posts after starting a thread.

We are going to have that changed by the end of this weekend. The entire rules of editing are being revamped along with LOTS more. Keep an eye out for Josh’s announcement.



i havent seen this happen since the nelstoys thread… examples?

Eh who cares.

oh i see the thread now… im on the who cares bandwagon

editing posts is nice though, nothing like a clever ninja edit

Unless your name is brown you might as well vote for the third option…

i always thought it was red? my monitor must be off lol


its sort of a mahogany color…

ninja edits and edits in general is not the same as totally deleting everything from the original post.

Does this kind of stuff actually ruin someones day?

I have no problem with editing a post, sometimes you leave things out that you need to edit. But to totally delete a post is lame.

I edit posts a lot of the time if it’s not the OP. Sometimes you read it and it doesn’t flow right, or you see a better word that could be used, or a typo, or even want to add something to your argument. But turning the OP in a thread into a . or its equivalent :banghead:

:word: Exactly what I was going to say

ughhh, I hope its a graduated system where everyone gets free edit capabilities until you fuck it up too many times, like infractions

Well, that would be nice but unfortunately the software is not that advanced and I do not have time to make it that advanced.

get back in your cage, monkey.