
So deleted from Front Desk too? Without even a note or reply?
How many threads and posts are you gonna delete to cover this shit up? Is it that important to you? You really think if you delete shit like this people will believe you’re all fair and impartial? Why did you even delete my post to begin with? Not only was what he did against the rules, the wheel/tire combo isn’t a fit for an S chassis either. The diameter is too big, and the tires have staggered diameters, selected for the VDC system on the G/Z. You just like being on his nuts that badly that you’ll let him break the rules to help a friend of his sell something that is useless to 99% of the members on the forum?

Anyway, I’ll PM everyone on the fucking forum if I need to. If you ban me, I’ll FB/msn them all.
You can’t make this go away. Just man up. I wanna see someone post “I DID IT”. If you’re gonna do shit, you should be able to man up when you do it. I can’t ask you to uphold the rules you made, your conscience should be doing that. I just want you to MAN UP and admit it.

Take 'er easy bud, it’s the internet.

shut up already lol:P ur making a big deal over nothing man… just relax, why would you want to get all worked up about this lol, just seems stupid

I did it !!!



hes gunna fly over from korea and get yeah ahaha

I agree with Solarian actually, why have rules if the enforcers only follow them when its convenient for them? doesnt make any plausible sense to me…

this is the way im seeing it, he should just mind his own business and stop trying to hate on others and get them in trouble…a.k.a making like 3 different useless threads about this…like common its not like he shot the sheriff or something haha

It’s not a useless thread. How do you feel about the admins purposely letting someone break the rules? And then covering it up after that.
I could give a fuck less about the original thread. I personally think the guy that made it is a douche, so yea, I pointed it out on purpose. What they could’ve done, is said “well, despite the fact that it is against the rules, and we lock everyone else’s thread when they try the same, we’re gonna let his stay open, because he’s our buddy, and rules don’t apply to him because we say so”.

But no, they don’t want to ADMIT IT. They want their friend’s thread to stay, as it is, but they don’t want anyone to KNOW, that they’re doing this on purpose. They want to be able to say, at the end of the day that they enforce the rules, and the same rules apply to everyone. It’s not about the thread, it has nothing to do with the thread, and you’ve got to be the world’s most short sighted fool if you think it does. It has to do with the administration of this website, always telling the members that they are FAIR and IMPARTIAL. And it has to do with them trying to cover up proof of the opposite.
THIS is proof. Say whatever you want, but it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they don’t want YOU to know. If they were okay with you knowing, they could’ve easily locked my other post, and said “we’ll do whatever we want”.

They will do whatever they want, they just don’t want YOU to know that.

ight im outa this lol


ibtl?..sorry ibt…Delete.

I’ve noticed it. (closing the thread about Torontojdm). I dunno, its their site. They can do what they want lol.

Just don’t let it bother you

We all know that it goes on. The admins should be able to step up to the plate though on this. The toronto jdm thing burned me a bit as a prospective buyer. But its there site.


it’s not deleted… i changed the thread title away from FUCK YOU to Solarian Mad… unless you think it’s appropriate for you to post FUCK YOU in the top section of the forum.

iono, maybe you can’t view it but i can… i unapproved most posts becuase you’re being a total bitch about this.

you banned yourself from here multiple times… now you expect to be regarded as some type of messiah? please man…

there is nothing shady going on… you’re being a fag about this is basically all that’s going on and no one is even holding it against you really since you’ve done it before.

even after all your bullshit in the last 24 hours i’m like… meh, it’s solarian, dude’s bored in Korea, i would be too… next topic.



it was some guy who had never been on the forums before and then signs up to bitch out a vendor because someone on another forum told him that TJDM is a sponsor on here.

Also, i’m sick of this bullshit that goes like this:

I bought a motor from a small shop that deals in used 15 year old motors that were sitting in a wrecking year on the other side of the world, were shipped carelessly by freight over the pacific ocean, landed in Vancouver, trained across the entire fucking country… and when it got to me it didnt have the right ECU and the guys who i bought it from provided a level of service that was like a 5 out of 10…

Also, i paid $1000 less than i would have from Varun with a full replacement warranty and service but i still want that level of service from this vendor at this lower price

fuck… if you expect 10/10 quality and service than go buy a brand new fucking motor for fucks sake and pay OEM pricing for it…

don’t flip out over this shit…

if i sold someone a 15 year old used motor and got a part wrong on it after all that the motor had been through and the buyer expects me to treat him like he just bought a new car or a brand new fucking house from me i’d tell him to go pound salt… which is not what happened with TJDM… they were in touch with the guy… they just didnt fly over to Japan to get him a mafs or something…

why should we (SON) care anyways… i’m not the better business bureau… deal with this shit yourselves.

if someone steals from a fellow member or is known to be doing shady shit then we MIGHT get involved…

other than that… just lower yout expectations and stop being fags.

if you all want to pay me $500 a year to be on here and expect me and G and Mike to police everyone then we can quit our day jobs and do that for you…

if not… stfu please… frig

TorontojDM sells their stuff for more than I paid for my leaked down and compression tested set that was hand picked. Seriously…Since names are being plugged, Riyad@Riworx will take care of all of your motor needs without missing shit.

These issues are important to us because we all don’t have a ton of cash around to do things twice. We like to know the good and the bad to make better decisions, that’s why we care. So if we pay in full for a guarantee, we want our half that our fl cash paid for.

Just settle it in a civilized manner, fight the guy

Sorry Bing, didnt know he wanted it removed. I just looked for it one day and it was gone.

I still don’t see the thread, by any name. It’s pointing to an invalid link.
If you moved it to where no one can see it or deleted it is still the same thing.
So did you also delete my post in the FS thread? Cause I sure as hell didn’t use any inappropriate language in it. I guess it makes sense, you industry folk gotta watch out for one another.

And classy move btw trying to discredit what I’m saying by talking shit about me, instead of saying anything on the topic. I guess you gotta be good at lying and manipulating information to be successful in the business world. I’m really glad I never got into that stuff.
