are you actually threatening me Ian…
maybe i wont delete this thread then… i’ll print it out and give it to my lawyer instead.
really, lets all sit and let that marinate about how Ian has threatened me physically.
how did i aggress towards your family btw?
if you would just stop being a total ignorant fukk with every post you make this wouldnt have happened.
i mean really, what do you think is going to happen as a result of this thread or any of your comments?
i LEFT your concerns about aluminum in the one thread… THEY ARE STILL THERE IN THAT THREAD… so i HAVE NOT deleted them.
i deleted your insults, and please remember that you were and are still not familiar with the companies i have produce the products or the companies from which i source material inputs.
the most recent thread was about sway bar end-links that I MADE FOR MYSELF!!!
how does that open me up for ridicule in that case? i am not selling them, and if and when i do they wont look like that anyways.
whats more is that you are criticising designs that have proven to be effective (SPL endlinks for example use the same design)
i tell you what Ian…
if you shut the fukk up about me i wont aggress towards you on here.
you’re all blah blah blah i’m a hypocrit i’m unethical which people KNOW TO BE A LIE anyways…
but again what did you think was going to happen?.. i’ve been one of the most prominent people on this site and in the whole ontario 240sx community for half a decade now. If not for me you wouldnt even be able to join SON240sx because it would have been privatised solely for solo or HADA competitors only, that was 2 years ago.
SON240sx exists because of a handful of us that have worked pretty friggin hard to keep the site going, to promote it positively and to make sure everyone knows each other through nice big events and gatherings every season.
where do you really get off mouthing off the way you do to some people on here… and not just me… because as i mentioned, i’m not the only one of the admin that wants you gone.
for the record… the only threads i have deleted in recent weeks were arguements and flame-wars between myself and you and bob and marc… thats it.
if people were supporting your work in another thread that WAS NOT a thread where you are being an idiot then i wouldnt delete it.
but i dont think you should make a thread like that right now anyways, because once again, and this should be obvious… lots of people hate you and the thread wold quickly deteriorate into what we have here.
its a tough situation we’re in here.
to run smoothly we have got to get rid of you, but then we would be taking the easy way out.