BAS IS BANNED = Celebration thread

bwahaha… you in a fight… LOL even with 4 guys fighting for you you’d still use yor preset speed dial 911 and do up an insipid letter telling him to not to harm you or you’ll cry to the cops…

Your a tard… grow some balls, deal with the shit you start in some way other then running away and hiding.

it’s a good thing your shady and devious like this guy, most normal people would probably ahve gone to help. Which is too bad, you getting your ass whipped would have made my year.

ian how does that help you or anyone?

grow up man, you’re almost 40.

Thats crazy Bing, good to hear that nothing went down tho. and always trust your gut

I’m not going to change who I am to pander to this little slimy pompous twerp… Starts shit left and right, threatens and postures like a big man… then runs and hides behind the nearest ‘legaleze’ he can make up when someone darres to stand up and call him on it…


Yea Bing. Come on you pussy.


Grow up Ian :-/

That was probably the most blatant hostility from Ian towards Bing that I’ve read up to this point.

come on guys… Ian is a great guy.

lets just let him continue in his ways because it is of no consequence to the community that is SON.



so for you not to be a hypocrite right now Ian, you would now have to go beat up bing or atleast deal with your differences in person as you are hiding behind your monitor.


come on guys… lets not argue.

Ian, i appreciate your concerns, thank you very much for typing them in this thread.

i agree with every word you have said because it is true and borne of a wisdom i long to develop.

that’s true, the consequences of buying your parts have been more then evident these last few months… what is it ? 1 complete exhuast failure a month for the last few monts now ? if it hadn’t been for my parts holding one your crap ass parts on to one of these cars, it would have been up into his rear suspension and spread across 1/2 the county.

spreaking of idiots. maybe you’d like to get the whole story… like how I DID step up to the plate and within days of saying so mr. Smarmy had a ’ legaleze ’ letter at my door telling me to stay away from him and ‘his’ property…( not that I really cared) or he’d be calling the police and rcmp and whomever else he could hide behind…

like I said … It will make my day when he gets is ass kicked.

you should probably mention your need to grow a set first…

how about this ian?

you do not speak on son until you prove that you are not a hypocrite.

so a battle royal with bing or no speak?

sounds fair to me.

i am sorry Ian… i didnt realise that this post was about my business… thanks for reminding me.

and you are right, about everything.

whats more is that since apparently i actually manufacture the exhuasts by hand in my apartment here i MUST be to solely to blame.

kind of like when i sell a brand new turbo and it requires warranty… obviously i am at fault for Precision Turbo’s short sitedness and should therefore go out of pocket to mend the situation.

it is of course unheard of for the actual manufacturers or original importers to handle their own warranties.

perhaps if they set up some sort of authorised distributorships and allowed their merchants to purchase items and act as the middle man for warranty claims then this would all be taken care of…

hey… wait a second?

thanks for helping me evolve this thread into what it has become Ian, i appreciate it.

He’s sort of right bing you cant always be asking the cops to help you out when your need you gotta take some shit into your own hands but make sure you wash them after dont wanna leave no evidence :lol: . just kidding

tell you what you get bing to actually agree to a solo participation event… and I’ll make you a nice pretty stainless header… free.

So, i’ve stpeed up for the 2nd time… where you’s buddie bing?? common’… I’m almost double his age… he should be able to whoop me good.

I’m sorry, but let me get this straight…

You’re bashing bing for dealing with matters in the most civilized and unviolent way… last time I checked, that’s how you become the bigger person; not by fighting everyone who looks at you the wrong way. :roll:

Ian, please… stop hurting my feelings.

I would, however, like to commend you on your maturity for calling me out in a fight. I agree that fighting solves everything.

as the oldest member of this board it is awesome that you set such a fantastic example for everyone.

i hope all our young members will take note that Mr. Skinner, of 40 years on this earth, has for the second time called me out to fight him physically on SON here.

whats more is that i would also like to point out how i harshly i provoked him without even mentioning his name.