RE: brandon and itrader

No need to send me pm’s, we all know it’s BS.

I am not going to address it immediately, it’s bedtime. But needless to say he handed out 11 negs and all will be reversed.

He’s been banned temporarily until we figure out what’s next.

This thread is for an FYI only… no need to state your claim, the thread will be locked if it goes that way.

Thanks Bing!

We all love you.

We all know secretly Bing is planing to overtake the world.
Eventually the truth will come out, and when that time comes Bing…


there was a bit of a glitch with “brandon” tonight.

I think they have “fixed the glitch”

I personally got a nice PM from him.

and here is what bing is talking about:

LMFAO Varun and Kev both got negatives?

Hmm, he left negative on my buddy Jon. But I have all Jon’s Nissan parts now…lol

I think he just went on one big “FUCK YOU” spree. I received a PM, but skipped the trader rating.

bing already said they’ll be reversed, just kinda funny in the mean time. Someone got their panties in a bunch REAL quick.

Enough jacking this thread though - SORRY BING!

He’s a scammer, why should the ban be reversed?

what a fucking tool…

the issue still isn’t resolved so even though its non of our business, we have a right as a community to burn him at the stake. lol jk

lol i love son

Bing I came to you discretely regarding this and you stated you can’t do anything about it. I had no choice but to post this and my thread gets deleted. You also stated you know him and havent spoken to him in a while

I just want my parts. That’s all there is to it. I don’t care who is in on it, who caused it, who has my parts.
I want them, I paid hard earned money for them. I won’t stop until a resolution is met.

why did most of those people get a negitive rating

and had nothing to do with this

brandon got pissed and went on a neg-feedback “shooting spree”

dont worry about it. you’re not the first to do something like that, wont be the last.

with respect to notifying me about this before, there is nothing i can do about it. best i can do is ask that everyone plays nice. i’m not going to even pretend to police outside the forums.

i dont think i even posted in the thread and i got a negative… wow lol…

yeah he sent me a pm too…

Title: hey
Message: fuck you

Thanks for cleaning up the iTrader thing!!

Mucho appreciado
