the issue is the threats and lies brother…
i let stand and had it out already with people who suggested i was rebranding chinese parts… i’m not and never was. the chinese parts i do remain unbranded. Because it’s a lie it doesnt get to stay… and only a couple people got to see the threats… i was on the road when that went down and i wasnt the one to remove it.
people need to stop assuming that it is always me that moderates that stuff.
over the years there have been countless examples of accusations towards my moderation that were actually carried out by others. moreover, most of the stuff sits in the drama section anyways… you can still see it all going back to like 2005.
Finally, if considering the context of how other major forum networks are operated the accusations made of me, which at best are only partial truths, this would still be the most lenient of all forums…
The issue at question here is borderline… i personally love heated debates on nyspeed… but that’s because i actually get to meet these guys at events… for others that never will it’s maybe less enjoyable? JayS and i argue on nyspeed all the time… then at the track it doesnt even come up 
---------- Post added at 11:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 AM ----------
copies and split the post and my repsonse here…
i do not feel obligated to explain myself, but i will if it means that some of you will stop assuming the worst.
obviously the root here is the potential conflict of interest between and my role on here… that said, the actions taken here are no different than those taken in other cases as they were made of other people or vendors on SON. It does happen more often with me though because some kids feel it is appropriate to instigate silly issues with me knowing full well that i run the place… i know what some people think of me, right or wrong, you can say what you want between yourselves and elsewhere on-line, but it’s rediculous to think that ill-founded and untrue accusations that are disingenuous about me will be allowed to remain in my own home.
you wouldnt let it happen in yours.
with the latest issue with 5cott. He was set to ignore back in March already for being problematic when we did the merge as if his opinions were somehow of merit in anyway. He was un-ignored and behaved for sometime… however, his latest spat (along with his buddy) was a direct action against me and what they said was a non-truth and not even on-topic given the context of the actual thread anyways.
The issue was itrader. We have put A LOT of work to try and bring it back but it’s simply not ready and I/We were honest about that and have been for sometime giving more explanation than is really due. Responding to our explanation with insults is incredibly disrespectful and i won’t stand for it. Threats were made in a follow up thread that were remarkably ignorant… probably some of the most ignorant shit ever said on this forum… the ban will stand permenantly.
more to the point. Josh, Mike (TPGSR) and I have hundreds of hours each invested into this forum project and we’ve also invested a significant amount of dollars… in the $XX,000 range to be exact.
If people want to get silly and try to counteract what we’re doing then i hope you’ll understand that their access will be disallowed.