theres a drama section for this fag. haha

this should be in the DRAMA section.

ya i saw that too. wasnt to sure if he knew about it or not.
so didnt bother posting.

How the hell is this ‘drama’ this is a valid complaint about a product provided by a vendor… it should be here or at very least in the ’ bings’ vendor section…

Now we’ve got self styled dullards for drama police.

this is drama on the basis that its a consumer matter between that guy and bing. as much as i can tell you LIKE to make bing look like a money grubbing cheat who sells bad parts, this thread is unnecessary in the car chat forum. why not grow up hmm? cuz this is entirely immature, big deal you dont like his shit? are you advertising for him? are you carrying his products? no? then do the world a favor and shut the hell up. run your own business and torpedo his in the professional way. if you wanna make this a school yard fight go back to your little sandbox, dont bring the whole forum into it.


The complaint about quality is legit. If you purchased something and you were unsatisfied you would probably make a post about it too, right?

It’s not drama, BAS didn’t make this thread, he’s just pointing out this is someone who isn’t satisfied with the quality of Bing’s parts.

Fair enough?

Moved to the Bings thread. It’s not meant for Drama as it has nothing to do with members internally.

As long as it isn’t deleted when Bing feel’s it’s conveinent.

It’s his section. He can do whatever. If you want to argue about his product, which you have no first hand experience with, go do it on Nico.

Wrong. I have had first hand experience. Likewise, if someone makes a complaint, and posts it in a forum, where you can then move it to the vendors forum where the vendor is allowed to delete it without justifying it. That’s a stupid idea. People make posts forewarning other members about parts that dont work.

You’re essentially giving the vendors a right to edit said warnings when it applies to them. If anything, this should go in the buyer feedback forum, and remain there.

And how are people supposed to view the warning thread if bing deleted this thread?


the buyer has not contacted me about the issue.

As mentioned in that thread on nico i denied selling certain products because of some concerns, however, no one has brought them to me specifically.

My warranty policy clearly states that i offer a refund for fibreglass parts that do not fit.

Bob, i am not deleting this thread but i am closing it becuase you and Ian are not allowed to post in my section.

you can reference this thread for my comments if you would like to slander me further locally or abroad.