FS: Broken Bings Exhaust


You’ll need to do some welding to fix the holes where the original hangers tore off due to it’s poor chinese quality.

I won’t lie, this thing is a piece of junk, on the plus side it’d make a good throw away exhaust for the track that you shouldn’t care about damaging.

Check out www.bings.ca for pictures of it on my car.

The worst $450 I ever spent.

I’ll sweeten the deal!
Take the bings and you can have my stock silvia exhaust as well!
(It will be useful if the bing’s one breaks again)

yeah there is no excuse for this part breaking

though i dont see how it warrants antagonism seeing as how i offered to have it fixed at my expense and to replace entirely.

i will gladly give you $100 for it.

hey isn’t bing mixed? white and chinese?

why discriminate. why point out his chinese side when theres a white side too? why not say poor white quality? hrm lol.

just playn. :lol:

i think its the chinese part that made the reliable parts of the exhaust imo. hahaha

cheap chinese parts FTMFW!!!

and damn straight im proud to be chinese

Alright, when do you want to come pick it up?

Yes, bing did offer to re-weld the hangers.

hmm just a thought, btu why buy cheap knock-off parts in the first place?

they’re cheap for a REASON.

it’s your fault for being cheap and buying it.

ouch…reality hurts

Hah I totally realize this, I just figured “it’s an exhaust, it’d be pretty hard to screw up piping”
Trust me, the guys that I see on a regular basis know my feelings about knock-off parts in general.

Did you not read? He knows that it was cheap. But if you look at what Bing’s description of the exhaust is on bings.ca, I don’t think he would have thought this would have happened.

tell that to andrew and bing who have both had N1’s fall apart on them. I bet THAT wasn’t in apex’i’s website too.

Or mazda and the new motor recall on thr rx8…gee didnt think that would happen when i dropped $40000 on car did i?

or greddy manifolds…what happens when metal gets heated and cooled repeatedly that isnt cast that’s been welded to it?

over time the welds weaken and they snap and break…if it can happen on almost EVERY brand name manifold over time, it can happen on a cheap part as well.

Lucky, why exactly do you care?
This isn’t a car chat thread.
I’m trying to recoup my losses on this thing.

that is an important comparison that i often use.

both Andrew and i have Apexi N1 Duals, i paid OVER $1000 for mine, brand new, shipped it up from Enjuku, paid customs and brokerage, paid $110 to have it installed…

every single hanger has broken off at one time or another and early last year i had to have the entire mufflers, both of them, retigged because the welds failed.

this isnt even a rare occurence, it happens all the time with aftermarket exhuasts and just because it is made in china doesnt mean that it will or that it wont.

but you know what i did when mine broke?

i had it fixed and didnt complain about it because it is just the way things go when you modify a car, things will break, often.

getting bitter and upset about it doesnt help any because there is no way to avoid it… even buying the most expensive brand name items does not mean that you will never get a broken part.

whats more is that when you order from large companies like Apexi or GReddy you dont get any post-purchase support.

i paid retail for my Greddy VSPL intercooler kit and when i tried to just by the cold-pipe from them after mine broke they wanted $200 usd + shipping and wouldnt send it to canada… this was less than 1 year after i bought it…

i am convinced that a great deal of the antimosity in local instances is that because people know me personally they feel they are entitled to even greater service than would be had from major firms… which is true, and everyone does get better service when buying locally (hence the offer to repair and replace) but it also opens the doors for threats and inflammatory comments.

they are not entirely inapproriate, obviously you should be upset that the exhuast broke, but i didnt break it, i offered to repair it and i am also prepared to put my money where my mouth is again and buy it back from you at your asking price.

arranging pick up will be slightly more tricky however… but we can try to arrange it if you like.

Then why the hell did you post it in the “Car Chat” section… instead of the For Sale section where it should be. I could only assume its so you can try to gain attention to the matter and futher more try to knock Bing :roll:

This isn’t a car chat.

Thanks for moving it BACK to FS.

I bought something that didn’t even last 1000km under normal driving, decided I didn’t want to get it ‘fixed’ and risk MORE downtime if it broke again so I bought a real exhaust.

I just want to recoup some of my loss in having to buy two exhausts because I stupidly tried to save money on one.

This exhaust is still FS until I have money in my hand so if someone else figures they can weld it up for themselves then let me know!
And the deal still stands that you can ahve my STOCK sivlia exhaust as well


Then why the hell did you post it in the “Car Chat” section… instead of the For Sale section where it should be. I could only assume its so you can try to gain attention to the matter and futher more try to knock Bing :roll:[/quote]


I posted it in For Sale

i didnt move the thread anywhere, i have not moderated the thread at all because you have every right to be upset, you are not lying about anything and you have the right to voice your opinion.

my response was out of confusion because i offered to repair the item and even offered (if the repair was unsuccessful) to lie to my supplier and tell him that the item was purchased within the 1 year warranty period so that i could get you a new one.

you told me that was cool and that you would bring it to me, i figured since you were getting married that you were really busy, i am going through that now. i was surprised to see a thread like this from you because i thought things were on their way to being worked out.

i will give you $100 for your catback, but i dont know when i could come to milton… my dad works there in milton, i can have him come pick it up from you tonite after work maybe…haha… you can yell at him as if he were me and assume that the look on his face is the same that would be on mine.

i think i have had my dad drop parts to a dude in milton before… it was pretty hilarious.

When it originally broke I asked for money back, in lieu of that you offered to fix it and if it broke again replace it. I didn’t want it fixed, and after thinking about it I didn’t want a ‘new’ one either so I bought a different exhaust and as we see now I’m trying to recoupe my money.

If your dad is willing to pick it up that’s fine with me.

I have no hard feelings, business is business. Like lucky said, I was stupid enough to buy it.

yeah i see what you mean, someone moved the thread but it wasnt me.

no worries,

i am sorry though, i cant issue a cash refund on a product that was bought over a year ago, installed and used, regardless of mileage, even though i know you didnt drive the vehicle very much.

if the product was unused then we could have worked something out more favourable perhaps.

i’ll talk to my dad today before he goes to work…lets take this to msn now.

My Pavel’s knock off exhaust has never lost a hanger and a weld has never broke. And I track my car hard.

If fabricated proper things don’t break.
