that is an important comparison that i often use.
both Andrew and i have Apexi N1 Duals, i paid OVER $1000 for mine, brand new, shipped it up from Enjuku, paid customs and brokerage, paid $110 to have it installed…
every single hanger has broken off at one time or another and early last year i had to have the entire mufflers, both of them, retigged because the welds failed.
this isnt even a rare occurence, it happens all the time with aftermarket exhuasts and just because it is made in china doesnt mean that it will or that it wont.
but you know what i did when mine broke?
i had it fixed and didnt complain about it because it is just the way things go when you modify a car, things will break, often.
getting bitter and upset about it doesnt help any because there is no way to avoid it… even buying the most expensive brand name items does not mean that you will never get a broken part.
whats more is that when you order from large companies like Apexi or GReddy you dont get any post-purchase support.
i paid retail for my Greddy VSPL intercooler kit and when i tried to just by the cold-pipe from them after mine broke they wanted $200 usd + shipping and wouldnt send it to canada… this was less than 1 year after i bought it…
i am convinced that a great deal of the antimosity in local instances is that because people know me personally they feel they are entitled to even greater service than would be had from major firms… which is true, and everyone does get better service when buying locally (hence the offer to repair and replace) but it also opens the doors for threats and inflammatory comments.
they are not entirely inapproriate, obviously you should be upset that the exhuast broke, but i didnt break it, i offered to repair it and i am also prepared to put my money where my mouth is again and buy it back from you at your asking price.
arranging pick up will be slightly more tricky however… but we can try to arrange it if you like.