Postwhores Beware!!

There is a new king in town,

This goes for you, Jack, Newman, and even King Postwhore Sleepy!!

yeah for you



Oh no!


Go wax your mustache…

I get

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still 353 for me?!?!?!?

oh well.

We all know that shit is fake.

Salute the postwhore king

353 for me too

:rofl: :lol:

wow you must have like no life at all! thats insane to have that many posts unless you fudged em, which i suspect!

lol…170post a day…WHORE

i got like 382,302 posts

fuckin’ liar

EDIT: you stole rob from adelpheeeea you’re the suck :frowning:

wtf i feel so unloved

someone hold me :frowning:



OMG You figured him out!


He didnt steal me he just kept me from losing my mind and going postal in that place. Or maybe he used the jedi post whore mind trick…