body work and a little customizing for you

no I’m sure you didn’t…just like any DEALER you probably just made a mess of the guys car"

lol just kiddding. seriously just kidding!!

look we both know that a heavy metallic black will (can) turn brown “LOOKING” in the sun if mixed by a noob with a princess auto spray gun and cheap materials (2002 saturns).

Most of these guys dont have BRAND NEW cars, their paint has faded (at least a bit) scratchs, swirls, chips etc

Nobbody in their right mind can say that a true pearl white…
…silver base with 3 - 5 coats of tinted heavy pearl then clear coat is easy to match for all aspects of the job…
colour shift / metallic & pearl size / lay angle / sag / orange peel / fade / bleach / and finally changes in quality of materials…all of these things will change or not be the same as new in 5 yrs

Do I have the $50,000 machine for mass spectal analyzation to match perfectly? NO.

do they wanna pay extra for me to have that…probbably not

look guys you wanna spend $500 to get some monkey to spray base clear black on your spoiler…go ahead…go to the dealer… I do it for $150…

I’ll make my shovel look just as good and then use it to dig a small grave for your wallet and common sense. (For $cheap$ to boot!)

a 5+yr old pearl white paint job can be matched with the computer and when you get your car back it’ll look “good enough” (for most)…
…I can see it differ… so can lots of other folks…

GM is the worst for saying it matches…when it doesn’t PERIOD…

Drive by one of their lots and take a close look.
i’ll bet a minimum of 15% of the cars on the lot have plastic trim that doesn’t match…BRAND NEW!!!

…oooh suuuure their both “crack ho” purple…but 1pc has more crack,
and 1pc has more ho…test me.

and after years of putting cars together they still don’t respect the customer enough to make the friggin paint match!!!

I’d rather orange peel over “not matching”…any day… at least I can wet sand it out…

Anyhow THIS “KIND-A-MATCH” IS PROBBABLY the best you can expect from MOST bodyshops.

and the old single stage bleachouts “pinkies”…went pink again after year…all the time…guarantee’d…PERIOD.