LOL, yeah… I always managed to get lucky though and not wreck too much stuff.
I cross those tracks every Tuesday on my way out to Adesa. Honestly, I think going the opposite way you went has a steeper ramp up. I remember coming home that way the first time doing whatever the limit is there, 45, in someone else’s car that they bought that day. OH SHIT went through my mind. The BEST intersection in the world to launch is in N. Boston by the Mobil station there. If you are on either Herman Hill or Zimmerman, and you make the light doing about 40mph, HOLD THE FUCK ON
I saw a DHL van hit this at about 40 mph trying to beat the yellow light, he was coming from BVS, heading towards Georges. That fucker cleared the whole intersection
I remember when I was in a car that sped over RR tracks, on county line road. Lets just say 3 ambulances should up for 6 people. Don’t be fucking stupid.
so I replaced the pan today, car runs perfectly, no knocks or ticks. but there is an exhaust leak.
Damn that’s some carnage.
Those tracks aren’t as bad as they used to be. I had 3 friends in a Geo Spectrum jump those and then rolled the car. Friend in the back seat went out the window of the back hatch. He had his seat belt on too. the back seat went with him…
I have cleared that on many occasions in my beater 4000.
Turbojohnny-those pics remind me of when I had my GTI on coilovers and it was useless low. I took a turn too tight, put the right front wheel off the side of the road, and ground down the drain plug bolt on the side that was sitting the lowest. If I had had an aluminum pan it would have been toast.
I read this and laughed then thought about how insane that is. Was he ok?
I busted the struts on my mom’s caravan by doing this.
With my luck I’d be the guy on the motorcycle having some fun over the tracks… minutes after you dropped 4+ quarts of oil all over the landing zone!!!
(and yes, I’ve gotten lucky with this stuff in my high school driving years
Pretty cool that the car is still running, though.
Lol. I had hypeville in my car when we hit the bayview tracks at 80+ in my 04 STi. That thing could take a jump like a champ.
Thanks for posting this. Fuck the haters.
You had an 04 too?
your car :tup:
The Pound tracks are infamous. Douche i went to school with jumped them in a POS Dodge Charger(the little two door hatches sold in 80s) and he flipped the car ejecting a buddy through his hatch.
TurboJohnny-you live on Clinton near Bowen?