So, I don’t know what has been up with me lately. Ever since I bought my VW I’ve been buying wheels like crazy.
During this weekend while smoking some meth and wearing skinny jeans I decided it was a good idea to drop $2000 on some 18 x 10 +50mm CCW classics for my RX7 (Yum.)
I hate black. I have a black car, and black on black looks like shit IMO. I would have much preferred polished. I stupidly assumed that I could blast the paint off the centers.
So, what are my options inorder to bring these back to looking polished? I was thinking powder coat, but I am not sure if it’ll look right.
I can get you pink spray paint. I think with enough beers we can make them look good. Or at least different than they are now but be more drunk that we started.
Get in touch with WheelFlip. You’ll have to tear down the wheels and send the centers to the west coast, but they do top notch work. (Chemical strip + Polish or paint or whatever you want).