power fc 'english' instruction manual

need to know where i can find the instruction manual for a power fc. the damn thing only comes in japanese. don’t have japanese friends who can read this stuff. tried searching the internet getting kinda tired looking. any kinda help would be greatly appreciated.

and yes i did check the apex’i site.

i don’t think its that hard to learn, but i did find online a step by step process of using the power fc. Im not at home but hopefully i bookmarked it. Its out there. When i have some time friday i’ll see what i can dig up. The first time i saw the instructions for it i LMAO and then said “FACK”

thanks. pm me when you do.

thats what u get for trying to be jdm lol

hey, just ‘trying’ to protect my investment sinopli. apex’i sells it on their english site, you’d only assume it would come with an english manual.