Power wheels Mustang mods

Possibly interested in the Escalade. Can you send me some info on it?

So awesome. Is 1 to young to teach? I dont think so.

At 3 when I got her the quad she wasn’t into it at all. At 4 she loved the Mustang. She’ll be 5 at the end of this month so I did the 18 volt mod to keep the car fun. I’ll probably go to 24v soon then be done until its time for a gocart.

ever think about upgrading the motors with hpi550’s when you go 24v? i plan on going 18v soon on a ford 150. really don’t want to go 24v yet until i make sure the 18 docent do any real harm

Last night while I was falling asleep I was wondering what it would take to stuff a pair of brushless motors in there.

At some point parental protection kicks in and stops my desire to mod the ever loving fuck out of this thing. I’m not sure a 40mph plastic car is a good idea for a 5 year old. :slight_smile:

Needs a cage

i was looking online and a lot of guys are using the hpi550’s when they smoke the stock motors from overheating and stuff. not a bad upgrade for 15/20 each. will prob go this route this summer

haha badass

I used to design parts for those things :slight_smile:

We would hook up 2 12V batteries and they would rip around the test track.

Instilling very little regard for tires at an early age :tup:

So awesome! I showed this to my son and now he wants one lol.

I was researching this as soon as I found we were having a boy

LOL, Awesome. Going to help my friend mod his son’s Mustang. Got to teach tire roasting at a young age

very cool.