Prepare to see the cutest thing ever

Arguably one of the cutest things ever.

Baby was born deaf and at 8 months they gave him an implant. The video is of them turning the implant on for the first time, as the baby is in the mother’s arms.

Now let’s see how long it takes you bastards to turn something so cute and cuddly as this into a shit talking thread.

P.S. the baby’s expression is priceless

i would pay anything to be able to use implants like that. with nerve damage they can’t really do anythign for my hearing loss

That is amazing.

amazing. ,Now Just WISH they could do something for Jeff!


I like jeff just how he is!!!

wow that is amazing. that has to be the best feeling ever



fake… but if its not then thats awesome

you really think someone would fake something like that?

you’re retarded mike.

x2, and clay aiken isnt gay :greddy:
