I LOL’d at the ceiling bird
This batch was more comical than usual
tomorrow should be lit
I watched about 5 minutes of the debate, it was too painful. Biden just sounded sick and half asleep. He could barely raise his voice, he was being steamrolled. I had to turn it off. I can’t imagine it got any better by the end.
If you watched that debate as a Biden supporter and can still cast your vote for him I feel sorry for you. Even better than the debate though was switching over to CNN after (I watched the simulcast of the debate on Fox). I expected to hear CNN trying to spin how Biden did not great but ok. NOPE. Full panic mode. Here’s a few of the quotes:
“If anyone even thinks that was close to an ok debate by Joe Biden I’m living in a parallel universe. It was an unmitigated disaster”.
“There are going to be discussions about if he should continue”
“There’s a real concern here tonight that damage was done that cannot be undone”
“OMG OMG OMG what do we do about this”… they were quoting from very senior people in the democratic party who were messaging them during/after the debate.
Let me remind you… this was a panel full of people AT FUCKING CNN… your leading source for ORANGE MAN BAD! Van Jones was just about in tears talking about how sad it was to watch what his friend Joe Biden had become.
If you watch one thing today, watch this:

any videos of the sister-rape piece?
I guess with the Ashley showers he wanted to stay away from father/daughter?
Might as well throw in, “When I became president of Hawaii” too since that was the next one Twitter served up…
I didn’t think today could get better but then the Supreme Court basically said, “Hey, how would you like some finely aged bourbon to wash down that prime dry aged steak that was last night’s debate?” and blew the chevron deference out of the water. They dropped a nuke on the deep state today.
And another one. I guess this is the desert portion of the meal today?:
Watched most of it and couldn’t believe it at all. Seemed so set up to me. Watching CNN anchors turn on their “hero”. This is all a big play. They have an ace up their sleeve. Probably as big as the mail-in-ballot ace from 4 years ago. Are they going to declare war on someone?
theyre going to replace him…
Dude, they used a PSA that Beau Biden made for elder abuse (yeah, that Beau Biden, Joe’s dead son) when he was AG of Delaware in the 2000’s to make a meme. That’s a level of fucked up even I feel bad for sharing…but here it is anyway…
if they had replaced biden earlier then the candidate would have had to campaign on a failed platform and bad results.
this way they can bring in a savior at the last minute without any need to campaign.
Eveyrthing is an opp.
We’ll see how this goes. Doing my daily meme dump from my phone while chilling in the pool.

Hopefully all you chads have the balls to post this on the 4th.

i don’t post at all anymore. just comments on stuff reasonable people post… like you.