i’m honestly in awe.
they should have done phones, and then called them all simutaneously to talk about their expired auto warranty. Boom.
Part of the genius of how they did it was they convinced Hezbollah that the phones were compromised which is why they placed the giant orders for these pagers. Then they sent pagers with bombs in them. It’s like a level 99 mindfuck.
- Why were pagers used?: Hezbollah leaders previously warned the group not to carry cellphones, saying they could be used by Israel to track the group’s movements for targeted strikes. As a result, the organization uses pagers to communicate.
The injuries were mostly in the eyes and face, followed by injuries to the fingers, hands, and abdomen, the doctor said.
So know what that tells us? That not only did they detonate them, but they likely made them beep like a page was coming in BEFORE detonating to get as many people to have them in their hand and be looking at them when they exploded. One of my favorite quotes from The Fat Electrician (that guy that goes into insane detail about various military ops/people in history on Youtube) is, “It’s never a war crime the first time”. Aka, until you commit an atrocity and The Hague puts to paper that what you’ve done isn’t allowed it’s not technically a war crime yet.

Those are rookie numbers… you gotta pump those numbers up

I wonder what number the pager read just before exploding.
I feel very old now because I had the mountain dew pager.
mountain dew pager sounds awesome lol i wish i still had my yak bak
Hezbollah going to have to revert to walki talkies…
Mossad: Slaps side of walkie talkie
You can fit so much C4 in here
Mossad is one step ahead of you…
If I were a member of Hezbollah every piece of electronics I owned would be sitting outside for the next couple weeks.
Retro Trump commercial