Presidency Discussion & Memes (45th, 46th, 47th Presidents)


Solid batch

Solid batch


Vote vote vote!

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I’ve been telling this to people for months. VOTE IN PERSON ON ELECTION DAY! If you have even the SLIGHTLY fear that an election might be rigged, even if you’re 99% sure elections are secure and just 1% of you is thinking there might be shady stuff going on… VOTE IN PERSON ON ELECTION DAY!




From the “life comes at you fast” folder…



I fact checked this… It actually happened.


I can’t even believe it… I have to vent.
That cunt Whitmear won here… she fucking sucks on so many levels, but I guess she has her in with the FBI and Biden? IDK I just can’t believe anyone with a single braincell would vote for her.

They also voted to make abortion totally unregulated. Really? Fucking really?! You NEED to be able to abort your baby up until the day before birth? What the fucking fuck people. Lets just make all murder legal, make it the Wild Wild West.


Hopefully the republican party is going to wake up this week and realize that Trump is a cancer on this party. We can’t continue to let him play kingmaker primarying unelectable garbage and we certainly can’t let him be our 2024 nominee. There is no doubt in my mind that he cost us the senate. Oz and Walker were both known losers and the better candidates lost their primaries because Trump endorsed Oz and Walker. The RNC had to spend a billion dollars in OH to get that Trump backed turd JD Vance in for a race that should have been easy, money we could have spent elsewhere.

The answer is clear… Ron DeSantis 2024. He took Florida by 20%. He took traditionally blue Miami Dade and Palm Beach counties. He only lost 5 counties in the entire state and even in those he was close enough that the difference meant nothing for Crist. That’s the kind of support that can not only win a presidency but help carry lots of down ballot races.


The real winner was the Florida election system. Did you know you can track your ballot online in FL?

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I want to double check mine to make sure it was reported correctly lol. Big pictures is there is a lot of folks who love the chains they are in.

This is a good read:

And another good take from NotTheBee…

nah sorry man. if you guys run Ron in 2024 you’ll lose Florida and the Presidency.

fraud is your issue, not Trump. Trump is the only one who can withstand the onslaught and defend himself. Ron doesnt have the $ to defend against what would come at him. He would get destroyed politically, legally and personally all at the same time.

Run him in 2028. Vengeance first, then normalcy.

I don’t want Trump in 2024, it’ll just turn into a shit show again.

We need a viable moderate left/right candidate.

That’s the exact logic that lost us the senate and will barely get us the house, when it should have been a huge swing. It’s not fraud. Go read the exit polls. Trump is TOXIC. No one likes Biden, but they hate Trump even more. The middle voted against Trump in this midterm despite him not being in office for almost 2 years.

And this, “you’re going to lose Florida if DeSantis runs for president” is just Trump forum nonsense. Florida is solidly republican now. Know why? Because republicans have fled states all over the country to move to Florida. That combined with winning over hispanic voters seals Florida for a while, unless the party does something stupid like running Trump again.

fuck polls bruh. true the vote.

Trump is the only way. Desantis wouldnt even exist without Trump.

if NYT and the rest are boosting Desantis over Trump you know you should be second guessing it. They are teeing you boys up for a major loss.

If you don’t want to believe polls step outside your little MAGA fortress and go read some comments over on Fox News. No one outside of the fringe MAGA want Trump to run. Open your eyes… HE’S CANCER.

And here’s the new Florida, and it has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with how DeSantis ran the state:

When registration closed for the 2018 election, Democrats enjoyed a 263,269-vote advantage. As of Sept. 30, Republicans had a lead of 292,533 voters — a swing of nearly 556,000 registered voters over DeSantis’ first term.

“We’re no longer a swing state. We’re actually annihilating the Democrats,” said Florida GOP Chairman Joe Gruters, a leading DeSantis ally.

EDIT: Dude, even JD Vance wouldn’t thank Trump last night in his victory speech. The party knows.

I caught a bit on Fox last night and they were taking shots at Trump for not spending some of the money from his war chest to help various candidates where they thought it could have helped secure additional votes.

Me thinks Trump is doing everything he can to gear up for another run and blocking out the outside noise from various parties.

The Democrats seem to be cruising to victory today while the Republicans are standing around bickering about why they haven’t sealed some of these victories they expected.

I do think mail-in voting had a significant effect on this election, mostly benefiting the democrats, of course…

Is it crazy to think that NY democrats knew exactly how many mail-in votes they needed to basically make the day of voting a moot point? With most races, you saw them jump out to early leads when they started counting the mail-in ballots and then some republicans just never got enough votes day of, to close the gap. That seems to make the difference in these polls lately.

Mail-in voting just stinks to me and of course everyone demands proof, but that’s just my .02.

I questioned voting early this year. But that’s just my tin-foil hat showing.

I truly believe that this “blue controls it, red must tear down” and “red controls it, blue must tear it down” mentality that we are in is going to cause more and more political violence, and lead to some sort of governmental collapse. It’s not sustainable. And whether it’s the lefties or the trumpers, it’s going to come down to a ideological civil war.