Presidency Discussion & Memes (45th, 46th, 47th Presidents)

We’re about 30 days away from everyone who rode him for 7 years saying:

“Trump? Never liked him one bit.”

They wavered a little but the last couple days and started calling into question some really bad decisions they’ve made and people they’ve ostracized the past few years, but Fox News got them right back on the saddle with some new talking points. Once Fox falls in line, it’s “Desantis 2024” season.

I won’t do that. Personality wise he was always an asshole but I loved his policies and happily voted for him in 2020. I’ll admit I kind of held my nose and voted for him in 2018. I would welcome a 2nd term for him, but after 2020 and this midterm I can take a step back and realize that is NEVER going to happen and admit we have to move on. DeSantis is 95% of Trump’s policies without all the baggage. Yes, the minute he’s the nominee the media is going to go all in to destroy him but they’ve been doing that for years now and DeSantis has no problems holding his own. And unlike 2018/2020, DeSantis will benefit from Twitter not suppressing true negative stories about democrats while promoting lies about republicans.

Selfishly being a FL resident, I wish the timing wouldn’t cut into DeSantis’ term as governor.

yup… we need them both to be the most effective (not nicest) version of themselves for exactly the reasons why they have each ascended thus far.

RE: Megan Kelly… I don’t care if a hard core maga won’t abandon Trump for DeSantis in a primary. There aren’t enough of them if the rest of us go DeSantis for Trump to win the primary. Once DeSantis is our man they’ll vote for him in the general much the same way I voted for Trump in 2018 when I really wanted Rand Paul to win the primary.

The poll, conducted before Tuesday’s midterms from November 2-7, found 48% of potential Republican primary voters would support Trump if the primaries were held today, versus 26% who’d back DeSantis and 26% who want to vote for someone else.

That’s down from a high of 57% who backed Trump in August, and his support has steadily decreased since, with 52% saying they’d vote for him in September and 49% in October.

I’m really interested to see that same poll post-midterms. Oh, and I know, “Polls are all lies”.

So is Forbes :slight_smile:



FTX will be memory-holed within weeks

Is it even memory holed if it never got into the minds of 95% of the country because the MSM refuses to cover it?

yeah i think that is a part of the memory-holing process. seems the whole operation was set up to be exactly what it has now become. i’m sure wikipedia will provide full-disclosure indefinitely.

You guys think Trump is announcing today?

If not today, soon, unfortunately.


So many Rinos :roll_eyes:



Link is gone, but looks like Poland took some misses.

I’m watching this announcement and holy shit it’s long. And really nothing new.

But it is funny watching Twitter freak out, lol.

Holy shit he’s been announcing for an hour

It’s literally the same pitch… :thinking:

It’s just more annoying that he’s going to take away votes from otherwise better candidates, and if he throws his support behind one and drops out, they’ll be toxic and lose to the democrats. Trump just killed the GOP.

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