Presidency Discussion & Memes (45th, 46th, 47th Presidents)

DeSantis 2024

I do wish trump would stop poking at big D.

At this point I wish Trump would just go away. I voted for him, twice, and I like almost everything he did but he is now a cancer on the Republican party and cost us the senate last election with this primary “wins”.


Bill Maher called DeSantis the “cover band” version of Trump, lol.

Doesnt matter who runs. Whoever commits the most fraud will win. It is predetermined.

Missing NY…

Uh… what’s up with her knees?

Trump getting arrested on Tuesday? For $130k to Stormy?

Welp, Trump wins in 2024 if that arrest happens. There is no way he’s ever convicted on this and it’s going to galvanize support behind him.

Nah it just means there will be even more voter fraud everyone will pretend isnt happening while it happens.

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I think I might support that veto.

The new rule would allow plans to include a companies social, environmental and corporate governance when selecting investments.

Allegedly. I have not bothered to read it.

The reason he gave is retarded, but I would not want to make less money so a plans investment team can invest in SVB.

You need to read it again. This ESG mandate from the Biden admin needed to be overturned, which is why this passed with bipartisan support at a time you can’t get bipartisan support for anything. I want my retirement funds invested based on the market, not because some company has a high green fuckery score.

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Maybe i will

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really great thread… wonder if this is true

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I forgot about interest rate swaps.

Good thing my macro-econ text books expired so now i have to go to the internet for research.

Which is not allowed for coursework…


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