Price on an s14 shell

Recently sold my s13. I have a alot of aftermarket products for it that I decided to keep. Originally I was going to grab an s13 rolling chassis.

Im considering trying to sell all my s13 stuff and buying an s14 shell/rolling chassis. I have a ka24de-t in my gaarge that im working on right now so I wouldnt need a motor/tranny.

Now, Im curious as to what the price and availability of an s14 rollign chassis are. Preferably zenki since i know kouki would still cost a tonne even for a chassis.

Sasha’s chassis comes to mind. I thin he posted it for 4500 w/ Cage

uhm good luck, there arn’t many S14’s around, the last one/only one I’ve seen for less than $2000, I bought and have since swapped the blown motor.

basically there aren’t many around.

and Sasha’s would be a good choice, however $4500 shell +$1000 for his front end parts…


On auto trader;

I talked to this guy and he said he has 4 1995’s that are all hit in generally the same place and ammount. I think he was saying $1700-$3000 depending on which one.

It would still need like $2000 of work/parts easy

yeah i dont think its a considerable option, there is rarely any s13 chassis being sold cheap that are half decent with or withought an engine.
i think the only time your gona find an s14 for cheap is if an old lady dies and its been sitting in the garage ect.

lol yeah i was thinking the same thing.

but hey, ive seen it happen, thats how my buddy got his del sol dor 700 bucks

what a steal.

ok, anyone got any s13 rolling chassis’?

lets try that.

Well considering a KA is worthless (300 bucks, and another 300 to install say) rolling chassis’ don’t really go for much less than cars with engines…

unless it’s diy install

Yeah I usually end up spending $100-$200 on filters and fluids, so at $300 it must be DIY.\

oil filter-$10
oil reg/syn - $15-$50
coolant- $20
Fuel filter - $15
Air filter - $10
Gaskets - $20
new clamps - $20
tranny fluid - $20-$50

If not share your mech. info. $300 installs, sweet, I should have gone that route rather than doing it myself

Yeah I usually end up spending $100-$200 on filters and fluids, so at $300 it must be DIY.\

oil filter-$10
oil reg/syn - $15-$50
coolant- $20
Fuel filter - $15
Air filter - $10
Gaskets - $20
new clamps - $20
tranny fluid - $20-$50

If not share your mech. info. $300 installs, sweet, I should have gone that route rather than doing it myself[/quote]

why do you need gaskets, air filter, new clamps and a fuel filter?

ill do an install for $300 withought fluids

Yeah I usually end up spending $100-$200 on filters and fluids, so at $300 it must be DIY.\

oil filter-$10
oil reg/syn - $15-$50
coolant- $20
Fuel filter - $15
Air filter - $10
Gaskets - $20
new clamps - $20
tranny fluid - $20-$50

If not share your mech. info. $300 installs, sweet, I should have gone that route rather than doing it myself[/quote]

why do you need gaskets, air filter, new clamps and a fuel filter?

ill do an install for $300 withought fluids[/quote]

Uh, the 300 was just a guess for labour to put the engine in. Regardless it’s not THAT much money to have a KA installed. Even if the install is 500 the shell is only worth 800 less than a running KA.

Oh, and Jesse just said he’s do it for 300, so there :wink:

I was using my last install 91ka -> 95 as an example.

gaskets for the manifolds I changed
=OEM fuel filter had 191XXXkm
stupid nissan hose clamps twist and are useless
air filter, do I even have to say why,

despite your ghettoness Jesse, its still all good

my S14 is for sale for pretty cheap

spilner this is true, it is a good price.

but im only looking to spend 1000 and under for a chassis depeding on condition and what not.

anybody have any chassis’?

gunna need one in about 3 weeks,