Prime Rib

…and beers are delicious. I’ll be getting some at Appletini’s on Central Ave tonight. Feel free to join, we should be rolling through around 6:30 and staying til they close around 11pm!

apple martini’s YAY:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay:gay

Good food, cheap ice cold beer, and chillin with a bunch of your friends… Not Gay.

Barncider’s is the place to go for Prime Rib d00d.

if you want to shit before you leave!!!

ask me how i know. :rofl

Dragon Buffet is the only place I have to shit before i leave. It’s usually more than once too. Like 3 times.

I just ate a 16oz, red mashed potatoes with skin, and string beans roasted in garlic and butter… Delicious!

I think I’m going to either the outback or delmonico’s in about 5 minutes.

Prime rib here shits on both

Delmonico’s FTW bro.

Where the fuck was my invite.

Porterhouse > *

PM me your fucking number motherfucker!!!

I’m telling ya… Appletini’s surprised me with the Prime Rib… it’s phenomenal.

you love the meat jim

Bump! This is a weekly occurrance!

by weekly do you mean tonight?

yes, every monday, and i just bursted out in laughter over your sig…

So whats the deal if your under 21…