Probably THE coolest thing I've ever seen on the interwebs.

Your high

haha thats pretty nuts

youre doing it wrong if you dont think this is cool.

That is pretty sweet


Sweet :lol

i dont get it …

very neat

it goes from black and white … to black and white?

Edit: I see it! OH SHIT! how’d they do that?

no fucking clue, but you can stare at it in color as long as you want, the second you move your eyes its black and white though.

weird as fuck.

not really understanding this one

edit nvm shits sick

just stare at the black dot.

absolutely fucking sick

a FANTASTIC timewaster site for work/class

wow that is fucking nuts!!! So cool

You never fail to post your own link/contribution in threads. whatever has nothing to do with the black & white -----> color castle.

optical illusion=optical illusion

your logic is flawed

Wtf…how the…

The cones in your eyes have short term retention