Problems with Greddy Full Auto turbo timer

for the past few days, my Greddy turbo timer has been acting up. Basically it is choosing its set time on its own. I’ve noticed that the longer I drive, it seems like the timer increases. If I switch back to “Count A” “L” (normally keep in on voltage to monitor voltage) I can literally watch the timer count upwards as I drive.

I’m assuming this is some kind of programming thing but I can’t figure out how to change it to normal (I like to keep the L at 30sec and the H at 1:30)

Any help is appreciated.

Take out of car and smash with your boot.

Junk it, zero need

seems like they have auto low and high and preset modes.
your probably stuck in auto mode.

:rofl you are actually going to try and help him with this thing?

You would think the first thing the OP would do is check the manual out…

I dont have the manual… but I do now. Took me forever but I finally found one online.

Will hopefully be fixed tonight.


Kenny stop putting electronics in your vehicles that aren’t needed and you wouldn’t have all these issues you run into LOL.

Kenny that’s one of the modes as it’s a full auto timer. I have dot with them before and u should be able to program a set time. Google or check Freddie website for instructions

Some say I need it and some don’t. But it makes me feel a lot more comfortable having it… so to me, I need it. And what are “all these issues”??? I rarely have problems and this was just a matter of needing to read the manual, which I did once I found it online.

For those that actually offered true help… thanks. I got it all figured out.

took me not more then 15 secs on google to find the manual and find the problem :rofl:rofl

well then I fail… lol. Problem I had was that I just put in Greddy turbo timer… once i actually added “manual” I found it no problem. Oh well.


Just take it out man, theres no need for it.

Providing your not dive bombing full throttle into your driveway after a few WOT Pulls and slaming the breaks and immediately turning the car off the extra time the car stays on from the timer is doing nothing but wasting gas

i really don’t get why everyone is so against him keeping it in the car, yes it’s not needed, but its not going to hurt the car and he wants it, so stop telling him to just take it out.

^^This. I know some say it is not needed, but I have also heard from just as many that it is a good idea to have with an oil cooled turbo. So since I already have it, I might as well keep it in there. It isn’t hurting anything and if by chance it is helping, then good. But I’m not going to just take it out and let it collect dust on a shelf.

Everything is fixed so could a mod please lock this up?