professional picture takers HELP

Went down to waterfront today to snap some pics, and for some reason the camera picked up some pink hues, don’t know what the heck is goin on…i left the white balance on auto…time was about 1230pm or 1pm…

girlie like you :kekegay:

well thanks, I know I am a girl and like pink but not in my pics :kekegay:

You don’t want to shoot in the middle of the day or you’ll get the bright spots of white in your picture. I try and shoot at dusk, or if you have nothing to do in the morning dawn. The sun won’t be nearly as harsh.

As for the pink in your pictures I’m not really sure why it would do that, but that can be taken care of in post processs. Do you have any special filters turned on in the settings. If you have a manual white balance just take and index card and take a picture of it, or have the camera set that as the white and everything else will fall into place.

My comments are in bold above your picture.

Noon time and harsh lighting is BAD. If you wanna shoot at that time get a CP filter to kill the harsh lighting…as for the pink pics. if you did not change any setting in the camera and they just started doing this. I would think your CCD chip is going bad in the camera. That is def not anything to do with a white balance setting or a filter. that looks like a chip problem as you see you are getting some nasty lines in it as well and the very top of the pic shows it started blue but went pink. how old is the camera

hayabusa / 05XRunner - I was wondering what digital camera you guys reccomend. Everyone likes the new small digital cameras, like we have a Casio Exilim here at the shop, etc… which is really nice for carrying around, but I want something that is kind of small, but you can still ass lenses and filters, etc… somewhere around or under the $1000 range? The pictures that you guys take are amazing.

so u like pink?:boink

well i dont really keep up with the Point and Shoot cameras.
I have a DSLR and it gets expensive. I got 3grand in gear already and getting a new lens in another month thats 2grand for the lens…LOL

Do you want a Point and shoot or a DSLR…my buddy is selling his Nikon D50 with 2 lens and extra battery i posted up here.

Now if you want a point and shoot the Canon S3 IS is a very nice camera…you can get them for around 500 I think. It has Image stabilization in it as well.

Just be warned that if you go a DSLR route. that its alot more involved then P&S with the picture. They are not processed as much in them as a P&S giving you images that you think are softer and not as vivid. Thats because they are ment to be post processed. Where a P&S does alot more in cam process.

Also the most important thing to remember. It doesnt matter what camera you have. Someone can have a $7000 canon 1DsMKII with a 300 2.8 lens on it and give CRAP for photos. The camera doesnt take the photos the photographer does. The camera just captures what he sees

OH what do you mainly wanna take pics of. If you are into action and maybe shooting racing. P&S will make that alot harder to do. Since they have a nasty shutter lag when you press the button. Its not an instant capture like a DSLR gives you since they are active LCD wich shows you on a screen what u are taking pics of. SLR you must use the viewfinder and it only shows the pic after you take it because its a real mirror and shutter there. The only time the sensor is exposed to your picture is when you press the shutter button and the mirror flips out of the way.

Thank you for the compliment.

She was using a Hp camera so I think filters are outta the question.

If your looking to spend alot of money I would say go with a DSLR, if not a high end p&s will work also. Like xrunner said its not the camera, although it’ll help, its the photog and also pp.

If your looking for entry level DSLR Canon just came out with a new Rebel XTi so the Rebel XT, which me and Xrunner are both using, are going to drop in price due to stores trying to get rid of them. If you want Nikon there’s the D50 and D70s, I’m not sure on the pricing because I shoot with Canon.

Also you want to look at what your going to be taking pictures of. There are different lenses for different needs. A good telephoto lens for action/sports is going to cost alot more than a good wide angle lens used for landscape.

You can look at prices from www.b& that’s where alot of photographer’s go to buy equipment. There are other sites that might sell camera stuff that seems to good to be true and it usually is so check out

If you have anymore questions just pm either one of us or start a thread.

he has some good reviews and info.

careful with glare and the postitiong of those lights behind the car on the first pic…almost thought it was a giant wing at first glance,

its my favorite color :yum:

no,u like brown!

Hey fellas back on topic

take your best shot…two of them are with the sun at my back but wanted to try…esp w/ the steel mills behind her, pgh history!

Given the color of your car, I would like to see a pic after dusk with strong flash.

The best ones are the last one and I think the 4th one. Only if that building was kinda hovering over the top of the car. Look at tuner mags and how their shoots are set up and just pay attention to the compostion not the actual editing of the pictures. You have a great car and a nice color so you’ve got a start. Don’t be afraid to get up and close with your car. Clean is and get right next to it. You should be able to touch it while taking a picture of it. That’s how I like to shoot though.

Keep shooting, you’ll only get better.

when shooting cars…STAY AWAY from chain link fence, also get low…shooting above the car isnt really ideal. dont center the car in the image. Make sure you leave somewhere for the eye to go.
Stay away from parking lines as well. They leave nasty reflections on the paint. Pick up a Circular polerizer for your camera. That will greatly cut down on the harsh light and bring out the color of your car more. If you get one it spins and you can see the effect it will have with the different rotation of it. Also does the camera have some other metering system…like spot metering. Since your car is dark its getting alot of info from the sky wich is causing your car to be dark and the sky bright. If you can have more of a spot meter you can meter off your car to expose it more properly.

Her camera doesn’t support filters and I doubt it has spot metering. Its made by hp.

I could be wrong though. I tend to get people to buy Canon or Nikon p&s.

I am sure it will take filters unless she is using one of those tiny little ones where the lens pops out of the camera…if thats the case then you gotta do some Photoshop help.
This was just a quick cleanup I did. Just make sure if anything to stay away from chain link fences.

OHH and another thing to watch for is the actual ground. You have a sports car. So parking it in the grass is not a normal setting for a car like this. Make sure you keep it on the streets or parking lot for more its domain. Of road rides are ok in the grass. Its small things like this that help out.