Project: I'm stuck at home because of snow.

Ok, so even though i was planning to do this eventually i didnt expect to do it in the winter. Especially when my garage isnt heated, and i have to wait 30 min before it heats up with my oh so snappy propane heater :cool:

So, after a nice day of relaxing and work on and off i’ve ALMOST come to my finished product.

Here she blows:

Ripped out the dirty interior

Got it into the house and onto my paint sheet.
Thank god my parents are gone for the weekend :slight_smile:

Gotta love the high pressure central vac’s :wink:

So after using the vacuum, and this cleaner shit my step-mom has, i got the interior down to the basement and into the small shop.
Got the dye ready, and away i went.

Here’s the, out of the car, result:
So much nicer :slight_smile:

Now, tomorrow afternoon i shall first clean up the gutted interior and get out all the ugly rust dust from my seat rails :confused:, clean up the left over fuzz from the floor lining, and reinstall the new and improved black interior. :slight_smile:

And for the second project of my night i decided to change my boring cluster lights.
But instead of going along with everyone else and using a steady color i decided to grasp a somewhat fading effect. I’ll most likely change it once i get bored of it, but non the less alot better than the dull white.


The lights are brighter in person…always is.

So yea, that was what kept me busy in this horrible weather.
I love winter and all, but fuck, im so done with it this year lol.


you had to have been bore lmao but it looks good

Lol, well other than the great activity we ALL enjoy, shoveling the snow, this is what passed my day :slight_smile:

Thats pretty sick result, Great work!!! haha i see u spilled some coffee using the ashtray as the cupholder haha i assume.

Not me lol, the previous owner, but i assumed the same thing

what kinda dye did you use?

second that post above, where did u get the dye and what is it called. that looks like a really nice job you’ve done. i looks 10x better then the stock grey s*** color.

did u use leds or lamps?

  1. You can pick up the dye from canadian tire…$8.00 i believe?

  1. The replacement bulbs are the 194’s from canadian tire aswell.

how does it feel tho?

can u feel the paint on the carpet? or is it smooth like oem

^ ^ ^
yeah cuz it looks like a brand new carpet from those angles, but the feel is important

Actually i was surprised to see that it actually wasnt crispy.
Felt pretty nice, i’d rock it in my socks y0!

sick man… this deserves to go to the Faq section

hmm i’d say a DIY section, as most of the people i know have been lookin into picking up whole new molded carpets.

thanks alot martino

Theres alot of other people that need the thanks.
BUT, thanks anyways :slight_smile: lol

Looks awesome, and it’s good to see someone putting some effort into the details of their interior.

I’m interested to see how that dye wears though, if it starts rubbing off or transferring onto other fabrics and whatnot… I’d definitely do this for my interior since it’s getting a good cleaning of the same fashion this spring before it goes in the new interior, but I would hate to see it start rubbing off on my pant legs and stuff, especially when it gets wet…

So far from what i can see, theres no transfer of it, the main purpose is for the dye to soak into the original fabric and in some sense bleach it black.

I’ll keep all updated though, better reference.

i used that ie once on plastic DO NOT USE it will bubble and wreck it but on carpet this looks sick

They probably have specific plastics it will and will not work with. You may have used it on the incorrect type. If it’s strong enough to not transfer, wipe off, crack, or fade, it’s likely going to react with any plastics they don’t expressly say it’s good on…

i was hoping it was some kinda better dye. i used this duplicolour on my headliner and it doesnt feel smooth anymore. it feels rough. plus how many cans did you use? i see alot of people that used this had made their carpets blotchy.