Promise Rings?


I have never heard about them until about the last 3 months and I assumed they were the new big thing until I found out some people I know have parents who had promise rings too.

Its like an engagement ring you give the girl and she wears on the right hand?

Personally, I think its an excuse to get more diamonds but I guess its a different cut and size than an engagement ring.



go die, please, these threads are getting ridiculous and fucking retarded

Can they have promise bans? As if you don’t stop making these threads I promise I am going to bribe a mod to ban you.

Go back to fucking highschool and stay there fggt





personal find nothing more fulfilling in a relationship than promise rings.

LOL you guys are so harsh. Can we get an example of said promise ring? Fucking diamonds? I figured this would be a cheapo type thing.

Only if I get a promise ring first!!!
Only seemed appropriate I moved your quote over here haha

What state are you in? I’ll mail it tomorrow sweet cheeks.

Im in Washington ill be in buffalo on Saturday though.

Okay, I’ll just propose then?

Yea well I figure my ex had a GTI and let me fuck her in the ass and gave great head. So you should be good for it too. :mamoru:

I’m doing the proposing, I WEAR THE PANTS!!!

Dont hate man Im just displaying the facts.

I know you would take it in the bum for disturbed :stuck_out_tongue:

You must have not noticed the custom title. I no longer own a f-bod down to just a fggy BMW. As a fggy BMW driver you probably would have better lick with a nice sweater or some shit.

lmao oh my bad, you would take in the bum for coldplay.


haha cougarspeed is drunk

LOL I wish! Im actually taking a quick study break from some home work. I will say though I have had like 6 cups of coffee and well I dont drink coffee haha so i am fucking wired!