Props to bucky

sunday me and fellow member bucky met up. took pictures of our cb7’s together and he was nice enough to give me his old f22a4 exhaust manifold since mine is cracked. afterwards we shook hands and said nice meeting you and yada yada. We got out to the redlight and since bucky has a f22a6 with megan racing headers and full exhaust i was keeping it in the back of my mind he was going to beat me, but i also thought i may beat him because of my cb7 being 5 speed and his being auto that can be a big disadvantage. Well the light turns green and we both take off, i pull on him til about 90mph or so, so i threw it into 4th to try to pull away from him and that didnt really work, i would have caught him but since my DX is limited that didnt happen, i will say the way he was swerving around people doing 130 mph without his vrated tires shocked me, i was just thinking i hope he doesnt lose it, i hope he doesnt lose it because the way he was bobbin and weavin scared me lol. so i just kind of backed off. Damn ecu limiting me!
congrats bucky.
good run =]

i was expecting somewhere for you to say something fell off around 35mph and u had to call it quits lol

yeah because your perfect and never raced in your life, bogus, this is a tuning website you dont tune cars and put performance parts on them for the hell of it, performance parts help cars go faster, why put the parts on the cars if your not gonna use em.
makes no sense.
criticize thats fine.
idc really.

wt f?

ya dude wats up now bro

my integra > Your GAY family sedan… bro

I was thinking bucky phillips got the death penalty or something

WTF Im laughing at you to fighting over the internet.

Made me laugh sooo hard.

ya dude wats up now bro


i read cb7 and expected a honda cb-750… damn u jam.

^ so did I will lol

so today on my way to walmart to get mcdonald’s. so i get onto the highway and im cruising along doing around 65mph. i get into the right lane, and this brand new audi a6 comes flying up by me. Its not all that often that i get to play so i was like ah hell no. I downshifted into 4th gear and tried catching him i flew up onto his ass end and he cut into the right lane he was still hard on the gas. i got side by side with him and pushed in the clutch and revved at him he slammed on his gas i threw it into 3rd gear and just floored it. I got to about 5500rpms and shifted into 4th and started pullin on him, then i shifted into 5th gear and kept goin at about 110mph i look in my rear view and see him a few car lengths back. dont get me wrong the kid was probably not putting his all towards beating me but it was still fun and interesting


want to tell me whats wrong with 110mph? im 18 years old i take responsibility with myself for the things i do wrong and handle the consequences if i get caught doing so. no need to thumbs down me or lecture me. everyone races. it happens.


:tup: nice winter time Kills, way to hang with the A6 he must feel shitty spending all that money on an Audi and then staying door to door with a CB7

what the fuck is going on here

what lol?
im not understanding that statement?

no my car will not hit 140 in 4th… my car is a dx and is limited at 112.
and ik he was not full throttle but still. i beat him because he wasnt trying that hard so its his own fault he lost.

you can remove the limiter with a JDM ECU check honda tech, the have them all the time for cheap

Swerving around people on freezing cold roads at 130?

Glad he didn’t kill anybody.

:mamoru: lol

Jam link to the cb7 board