Props to bucky

A 1.8T CB7 would decimate all!

That forum is hardcore. They dont play around.

Originally Posted by rexload View Post
I am starting my V8 CB7 project next year. I have two different ways of doing it planned out already. According to my calculations, it will cost 6K including the cost of the CB7.

Originally Posted by mightyaccord View Post
WOW a V8 in cb! impressive. wut motor u planning on using?
and good luck with dat! this would be great for the cb community

either ford 5.0 or LT1 to keep the cost of the project low. I would boost it too so I could have at least 800hp+ and I obviously want it to be street legal and pass inspection and emissions

my god. this thread just keeps getting better and better

LOL. I’ve got to stop wasting time on here. There’s some seriously hardcore dudes over there. $6k to swap a V8 into a 4 cylinder econobox and boost it? This guy’s banking on some serious deflation over the next year.

Jam, what are your siq cb7 plans? lol

ummmmm rb26dett swap duh. or maybe a 2jz siiiqqqq

nah i would love to h22a one and leave it all stock and rusty. spray it flat black, run some nitrous and perhaps an e-cut out with the stock rusty exhaust. it whink that would be a pretty dope sleeper.

dumped on steelies of course

nah, stacks coming out of the hood would be boss

even fry could be smart on that forum car-wise :stuck_out_tongue: i keed

this I at least agree with.

you guys are fucking retarded

i honestly cant even begin to explain how much sadness and distaste i have for the future generations if this forum is an example of it

no it will not work, it would be a retarded fucking STUPID IDEA

  1. no. your car is fwd. you would have to cut the entire floor board out of your car, have a new one made with a drive shaft tunnel, have a drive shaft made, mock up a dif, axels, ect

  2. no. it wont fit “the other way.” are you fucking high?

i came on this site to fine info about my dd. since ive joined, ive seen about 1 post that was good, relevent, and not retarded

my fucking god
post of the year

hahahahahaha good one!

holy fucking shit, everyone on that forum is fucking retarded. i couldn’t even make it through that one thread you posted.

You give me a lot of credit.


That’s a long engine code, I’m more familiar with smaller codes, like LS1.

When I swap for an H22 what should I do to the engine bay or what should I look for b4 I drop in the H22.

hello fam, i have a question. before i ask, let me tell yall what has already been done. i changed the uca 3mths ago, just changed the outer tie rod ends, had the tires rotated and balanced. the only thing left is the lower ball joint which i will change this weekend. is there something else im missing here any help or advise will be greatly appreciated. thanks



your profile says 24?


Ohh maybe you are 18 but put in the wrong Date of birth sorry, my bad :picard: