PS3 Call of Duty 5 Matches

lets set something up where we can get some private matches going. Shooting for one tonight at 10PM.
post here if you’re interested and we can do some capture the flag or team deathmatch.

I was gonna hop online last night to play but some friends stopped over. When there is 4 people there is it much easier to play split screen instead of pass the controller.

Set something up a few days in advance and I bet we could get some pittspeed players.

alright lets do Sunday night at 10PM?

Tonight 10PM lets get a match going

If I ever seem to be a bit off my game, just know that many people use my PS3. Including the attached. Just keeping the thread bumped… lets get a big match next weekend.

lol he’s got his war face on.

Ya, how about sunday night at say 10pm? gotta get a few more on then just me and you.

ever since we had that match last weekend ( the one where I killed you like 13 times and you only got me twice) lol I been using the same gun as you, I had killed you and picked it up, I like it. type 100 I think it is

i am in for one of these

ive been so busy i haven’t played in about a month…i’m gonna have to get on & shake the rust off.

just got the ps3 back from service today ( had to get a new blu ray laser installed )

Im probably a little rusty but I’ll play a match whenever

whos up to some nazi zombies sometime?

I’m not real into the nazi zombies but I’ll be online for a bit tonight after class. About 10ish.

well lets give it a shot. highest level I got to was 10 and was the last man standing

im upset i wannt play tisomse drinunking call of ddduty but i know i hwitll get yelled at. gboooooo