Punisher War Zone- Dec. 5th

Anyone going to see the new punsiher movie. This one has Jigsaw in it. Should be a great movie, different guy playing punisher this time.

lol,this looks terrible.I hope I’m wrong though.

def will. I love the punisher char

This Punisher is the 1st out of the 3 to actually correctly depict the Punisher character. I’m hoping it will be great.

i hope so also. i did like the other one a lot.

ill probably see it, i liked the other punisher and this one looks promising

I will go see it, flask in hand. It will be a horrible movie, but the amount of quotable 1 liners and ridiculous action scenes will make up for it.

I love the punisher… but did not like the last movie much. especially the 20 minute montage to put a car together that lasted all of 3 minutes. I Might rent this one when it comes out. Unless responce to the movie is fairly positive. action on a big screen is always fun.