Puppy Pictures

Dyingwish awesome looking pup man!

Zach I feel your pain man. We just had to put one of our cats to sleep. It sucks man. But cute puppy that you have!

Yeah, it was pretty rough. I think it was the old girl’s time, though.

very cute puppies…we just had one of our dogs put to sleep about 2 weeks ago now :frowning:

heres our tank though

Yeah … went we had the golden put to sleep 7 years ago, it was his time … but still hard as hell to deal with

Our one cat that we just put to sleep came unexpected though …

Yeah it sucks … no doubt …

Super cute dog though! … And cool name!

lol her names chloe…we just call her tank bc she is 95lbs and should only be 55lbs at the most

Wow 95lbs is big for that dog! … Cute as hell none the less