Quad 4 owner ck'n in

Hello to all in the Pgh area!

I was pointed this way from a member of the quad4forums and a few from berettastuff.

Looks as though ya’ll have a nice forum going here. I’ll be around!



Welcome to the Site.






welcoem to Pittspeed, Aaron.

Not too many Q4/Beretta heads here, myself of course and a handful of others.

welcome, i bet you hate changing your waterpump

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

How you been Dan? Long time no see.

Lol @ waterpump…Its not bad, about 45 min job, but I have owned Quad 4 cars since 95’

Quad 4’s are nice motors…
Just a bitch to work on

I can honestly say I felt the same way when I was a Q4 noob. But they are just like any other DOHC engine, you learn tricks here and there to shave repair time.


I hope yours aint pink…

No pink car here…Medium Adriatic Blue Metallic.

When I’m allowed I’ll post up some pics.

one more post and u can venture on and post up some pics

:greddy: :greddy: :greddy2: :greddy2:

Whore’n one to post pics.

Is that to keep spammers at bay?

edit…Nevermind just re-read the sticky.