Quaker Steak Cruises!!!

would have been nice if it was at the one in robinson again…but hell its better than nothing or just going to caste each week

too far

Sorry ajg1. If it’s not at the Robinson QSL, gives.

sweet. it will be at the one with the least amount of parking. yay

exactly im actually getting confirmation on this now.

they are having it. and parkings not that bad there back lot can hold alot fo cars.

i brought this idea up when I was setting up that store looks like that actually took it into consideration. :odd:

and btw do you work there or for them?

dude… wtf is wrong with you??? there is at least 3x the amount of parking in and around that shopping center in century III than there is ANYWHERE in robinson…

i’d rather go to century III than the traffic clusterfuck that is robinson any day of the week…

the QSL doesnt connect to the shopping center without going out onto 51 right?

plus 51 sucks also for traffic.

huh? i thought it was over past best lie… all the parking lots connect… at least i think?

and no, 51 is no where near as bad as robinson / mcknight / 51 by 88…

no, the QSL on 51 is below the Kmart

edit, no that is permantis.


dude… that’s like me telling you where the fox and hound is!!! i grew up there (although qsl is newer) … there is plenty of parking!!!


mmmm fox and hound…

yay sonny

ok i know this its a little early for this but ah just got off the phone with some peoples (QSnL reps) and they are doing like I like to call “Sponsored Car Cruises”
so of course it would be like pittspeed day. Just like we had up at starlite. Anyone down? Because you know if its going to be Pittspeed day I want everyone and there mother there.

I would make it out a with a few others if we did something like this. Would this end up being at the Robinson or still at the one on Rt51?

R51 there are alot of reasons the car shows will not be held at Robinson no more and im sure some of you guys know. But yes the cruise would be taking place at the QSNL my Century III

hmm. interesting. this’ll gimme somethin to do besides hang out at miracle mile. plus we (crooked euros) have held GTGs are both QSLs mentioned, C3 deffinately has more parking. we had about 30 cars at the QSL in robinson sunday nite and the parking lot partol kept hassling us n shit.

I work at Rotelli, the restraunt next door to the church where the Starlight Cruises are held. We have a bar there… Win/Win Situation

There is allot of parking at The Quaker Steak and Lube near Century III mall. The entire shopping center is prity much closed on Sunday evenings. There is a large amount of parking behind the Lube also. I heard they did bring up Pittspeed as being a Featured car club one Sunday but are not sure if they have a whole schedule worked out for the whole summer as to who has which Sundays. 51 bad? Bay be on a Friday from 5 on but there is no real big traffic on it on Sundays. It is long and straight with a bunch of red lights. Doesn’t seem all that bed to me. Sorry Zack Quaker has TWO bars!!! :slight_smile:

I’d show up for a PS cruise there.