look i dont have kids and probally have no business even posting in this thread but when i was a kid when and messed up i got spanked, whooped, whatever you want to call it, and i am looking foward to beating my kids as good as i got it… at least they wont turn into delinquints(sp) like most kids today…oh yea and when i am sitting next to you in the resteraunt and your kid is screaming at the top of his lungs do something about it dont sit there and finish your sweet potato… pick the kid up take him to the car and beat his ass a few times i bet the next time you get to eat in peace and so will i …the rest of us will thank you for having such a well behaved child…
x3 + ill spank ur wife now! :hs:
& u too! :love:
you can spank mineif i can spank yours and her two friends from the other night…hahahaha
as for me i am not into the bondage thing
thats for me only!!! :3some: +1
wait a minute… wasn’t one of those girls your cousin… i knew you were a hillbilly but damn!!! :doh:
wifes cousin=fair game for me! :wtcslap:
:boink x 3
me + three girls=:cool: