Quick 2-3 pull vid in the Evo

Yeah, wrong section but I don’t want to post vids of me making pulls in the public section…

First video taken with Go-Pro on the 2nd to ‘worst’ quality setting. Gonna mess around with it some more to find the optimal setting for taking in-car vids (that won’t take 3 days to upload). Low boost setting.


that was a good 2-3 shift for you, about 10x faster than your normal speed

Lol, I don’t shift fast when I’m just farting around.

word. well it looks like a slow car anyway



awd is for sissys

I’ll attach the Go-Pro to the wing (facing rear) when we race so shift members can see your car in action:rofl

pretty cool car bro

Couldn’t you find somewhere more foggy to do high speed pulls?

p.s. love the Evo.

as long as im not in that view, that sounds like a good idea.

Looks decent, you can make out the trucks oncoming from an okay distance. Maybe one more setting higher. Can you adjust field of view on those? Car sounds good too

Yes, there are 5 different settings. I’ll mess around with it and find the best one.

I’d do the same view for us. You’ll be out front on the hit, the question is for how long!

ya never know.

100% should not be able to jump… Put those brembos to work and brakeboost that bitch!!!

I will, but I still expect SSSSSSSSSS to get a car or so before the race begins:giggle

Your Evo is awesome.
Is this along NY22? Looks familiar…

This car is crazy lol he took me and my g.f for a ride my kneck still hurts

anything can happen. I think your being to nice to be honest.