quick question.

Im posting this for a friend… He is getting a loan out from his bank for a car from a personal buyer…the bank needs a letter of intent along with a copy of the title… for the letter of intent does it have to go through a lawyer and a witness and be notorized… or is it just between the person buying and the person selling and signed by both?

It’s kinda like a bill of sale. But before it’s technically sold… kinda like getting a quote on something.

I didn’t even need mine signed by anyone, just a piece of paper with year, make, model, vin, miles and price. Maybe condition.

That said, wouldn’t he ask whoever he was getting the loan through what exactly had to be on it???

he is a little slow and just thought about it after the bank closed haha.

doesnt the bank do the notorizing? (this may be the wrong use of the word, but u get the idea lol)