quik tuning my car. highway run

my stock clutch went, fuck the spec…i got my RAM clutch in from brian, OMFG that thing is fantastic!!! grabs right off the floor, and i didnt even do the drill mod yet. im waiting to break the clutch in then drill mod, then im goign to see how it handles launchs!!! soo far tho i like it a lot!!

I got 03 cobra injectors(39#), not 100% sure if they drop right in but they are fo sale!

thier value is too high for the LS1s

cool mac… I was diggin the fbody they other night

I never brought jj’s name in here so shut ur lil fowl mouth u faggot . Y must u be up brians ass so much?

U have not a clue brian…

yes but i tune for them dumbass, so in this case you were talking about them

No,not really,not once did i say JJ’s u asshole,can u fucking read? Get a clue and just STFU and quit reaching far to pull shit out of ur ass to try and ‘‘OWN’’ me:stick:

not trying to own you, that would be simple. you just like to post for the fuck of it and have no idea about shit and just trying to point shit out but as usual just is lame.

Well all this pover a fucking joke,i knew what happened assphat,i was fucking around with u,but u wouldn’t know that being is how u take everything to fucking serious,get a clue…:ugh2:

been told before no need for you to fuck around. youre in no place to pull shit like that

who the fuck are u to tell me what to do george? U aint shit to me,sorry i don;t kiss ur ass like everybody elseand u can’t stand it

not really just how pathethic you are its annoying. never seen someoen so jealous before untill you

I’m sorry u think that way,i have not one thing to be jealous of. U like to put words in my mouth as well as spit that shit out of ur mouth on here that are lies or how u “think” i feel or am,it is getting old,u have no clue about me nor do u know what i think or how i feel:blah: :blah: But if it makes u feel better then go ahead and keep it up…

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha believe your little imagination,cause thats all you have to go off

there u go again,asuming shit…:rolleyes:

wait a second sleeper,am i up quiks ass or is he up mine,make up ur mind little boy!

depends on the day i guess.either way our asses must be huge then but not as huge as the ass himself[devin]

Aww…u two make a cute couple when u gang up on people,quik is up ur ass for the most part…:bj:

sorry but ur head dont fit in my ass!