
hows it feel to go 175mph +


crazy fucker :rofl:
dont live me hanging on brians house either, if you go down :booty:

I tried keeping up, but the motor only went to 4800rpm in 5th :bash: with the needle buried well beyond 140mph:rofl: so maybe i touched 150 who knows


Gotta love no restriction at 98 like in your truck :cool:

180mph last nite on way home from brians still had rpms to go.

Dont post the location :slap: i knew were you did it :rofl:

after like 165 it pulls but not as fast. i can hit 160s in about 14seconds but the rest there just is to much wind resistance. i have to be in a full tuck to get up to those speeds

175+? :slight_smile:

You’re freakin’ nuts man. :eek3:

tie ur skinny ass on next time before u FLY off! :stick:

not nuts but stupid
