Man up and tell all.
Indicated 183mph on the Ninja shortly before the untimely demise.
Maybe it was for the better, that thing was too much fun, and it was a crime not to go fast with it
Man up and tell all.
Indicated 183mph on the Ninja shortly before the untimely demise.
Maybe it was for the better, that thing was too much fun, and it was a crime not to go fast with it
Probably about 86 on AMD’s R6, that was good enough for me :lol
Well i have wrapped civic speedos around almost completely. But since we are talking about bikes here, i had however fast my 03 600RR will go, go. Didn’t get a chance to look.
I clocked 98 mph (indicated) at the end of the main straight of NHMS with EX250, could have gone a bit faster but I stopped accelerating once I hit red; I need the bike to be still in a working condition so I can ride back home…:rofl.
Moto section stallmer, lol. 165mph on my old R6. Havn’t got the new one past 120 yet.
Oh wow good call son
And you’re the one making these threads about newbs on bikes. “how fast have you gone” thats pretty dumb
Saw about 140mph at the end of the 1/4 mile @ lebanon valley
Got up to 140-145 once. Just about where the lane marker lines look solid
I see what you did there.
Scully bringin the hate tonight :lol
Fucking hypocritical.
You bite me, im gonna bite back… harder (no homo :shifty) lol
This was posted just minutes after Vlad’s rant about liter bikes. Carry on.
+1 :wtf
Sully keep your shirt on, you’re making it seem like the entire section is about you.
Jclark, if anything it goes to my point to the fact that a supersport bike is no joke.
I’ve had a friend of mine who is the most humble driver you’d ever meet start on a brand new 600RR last year against all my recommendations.
Told he “you know me, I shift all my cars at 4k RPM highest, I won’t be crazy on this”.
Then I over heard him less then 3 weeks later saying how he was going 140mph + on the highway.
I had my old ROSS 10spd to 50mph, it had a speedo. :lol
^because people are stupid.
I’m not going to lie. Yea, I will probably go fast once in a while, Only, open roads, no traffic. I wanted this bike for a while, for pleasure not for all out speed.
My father/uncles/cousins ride Harley’s, so this bike will fit in a little better when I ride with them too. I’m honestly looking forward to riding with my dad the most.
So what your saying is that if I bite you, I can expect a nibble back?? :excited
43.5 on a flat road, crouched down. the ol honda 50 scooter was wound out. I hit 50+ down a hill with the clutch in though