i got smoked (not too bad though)

just my buddy and i on the *00 last night before it sarted raining (luckily)
both on our bikes, hes got a gsxr 600 and i had my yzf 600
we took off around 70mph and were even till about 130 and i started pulling, then outta no where he goes by me like if he was fucking with me the whole time, long story short i hit 160 and he was still pulling bus lengths on me

o well it was fun though =)

you were probably not wearing any gear either, correct?


what year bikes would also be cool to mention

lol i had gear! his is a 98 i believe mines a 97

u blieve ures is a 97???

no mines a 97, i should have written that the other way around but i thought people would understand

mickdad is a lil slow, don’t worry i understood what you meant…

what kind of gear do you have?

wel im new at this so by gear im gonna assume proper dress aparel as in snell aproved helmet, gloves, and thick leather jacket, the only non gear i had was my jeans and sneakers

how long have you been riding now

a lil over a year but ive had this bike for 9 days

and you’re already doing 160mph + ?? :picard:

not trying to be a dickhead, but you’re on your way to becoming another statistic

=/, if its any better it was in a straight line, no way in hell i go fast in turns, i still practice with cones turning sharp on my own time

just crusing around huh? lol, i hope you got your new tire on man

o yeaaah both of em =) its your fault the bike runs so nice =D

haha nice try, speaking of witch, when was the last time oil was changed?

same day you came over

thought the oil filter looked clean and new lol

i want a bike!

Should have done it on day 1, thats how I learned.

you don’t know what you’re talking about :picard:
