Quit staring at the blazer dummy!

Look where you wanna go
Look where you wanna go
Look where you wanna go
Look where you wanna go
Look where you wanna go
Look where you wanna go
Look where you wanna go
Silly gsxr. pay attention to where you wanna go. not the blazer.


oh yea… nice gear too. brah

those riding socks look like they protected your feet well.

Wow, ankle definitely looks broken

oh gosh.

Damn he obliterated that mirror.

High speed sneakers too!

:slight_smile: o my god… the sock… lol. thanks for the laugh … i needed it!



pic #6 = totally a broken ankle

shit is not supposed to bend that way

those proofs need to go to the blazer owner b/c the biker is probably going to say the blazer was over the line…

haha i love that his shoe came off

doesn’t look like a leather jacket to me???

what a squid, “im going to go out and buy a new GSX-R cause that way i can get girls and look cool!!!”

it’s actually a good thing that blazer was there for him to hit or else he might have pulled a PAULO’S BROTHER and drove off into the woods. :ohnoes:

Were these photos taken at the gap?

those are really good pics tho lol

those pics are probably kill boy pics… he takes these shots on a daily basis

The airbags on the bike didn’t go off :gotme:



malfunction? btw theres a HOT gsxr for sale on here buddy.

Thats an easy noob mistake.

It actually takes time and effort train your eyes to
avoid target fixation.

He probably looked down to see how bad ass he was at leaning in a turn and straighted up and had something bigger to look at?