qwerty spelling game


spelling game ,death


fuck, that music is good too

good game

22000… got bored


that was fun

sometimes I amaze myself… my lower forearms hurt.

i like it :slight_smile:

something to do at work :slight_smile:

sometimes I amaze myself… my lower forearms hurt.

mine too… your talking about from the game right?



Spiffy game, makes your arms cramp fast.


got bored. time to go back to studying psych

do you guys suck at the typing??? i got to 263900 and was ready to gouge my eyes out from bordem and just quit.

try it on hard or impossible.I got raped at like 22,000 lol,My typing skills suck

Mostly bordom, nothing new happens around the 40k range.

holy shit devon youre good

it also depends what level you set it on… try one of the harder ones.

awesome. i got to 33000 before my phone rang and i had to get back to work. i can see how at 50,000 my forearms would start to hurt. makes me think that working in a job that requires a computer may not be healthy. good find by the way.


wow detonate gets easy to spell what a life saver