I hate typing...

fucking gotta take a typing test and this is gonna fuckin suck… keybaord sticks a little bit and my fingers are huge… i have like 3 minutes so i dont think i will do that bad… right… havent taken a typing test in a long ass time.

eat a dick!:smiley:

i’m hardcore at typing… on my laptop i’m 73wpm with 98% and on a keyboard i’ve hit 90wpm @ 97%


/pointless info

lol i suck then… cant read and type that fast… 33 wpm

I type pretty fast too w/ my keyboard at work. One of those ergonomic ones or something like that where the keyboard is split in half and tilted to the sides so it doesn’t hurt your hands (as much).

yeah i need a new keyboard… ive had this one now for like 3 years and its had pop spilled in it and stuff so its a little sticky… even after i took it apart and cleaned the shit out of it… need to learn not to look at the damn keyboard and type

People here laugh at me whenever I’m typing because I can type perfectly without looking at the screen or the keyboard. Just stare at the chicken scratch that my boss writes on post-it notes and I’m golden. :smiley:

It’s really just practice, practice and more practice. You can’t LEARN to type, you just have to do it and eventually it will get easier.

ok train myself

And buy a better keyboard (or have work buy it for you!)

im jobless for the first time in 6 years! so im gonna be enjoying this 70 - 75 degree weather this week. and hopefully start working next week! have 2 interviews this week… one today and one thursday. woop woop

so how bad is 31 wpm?

Ugh. i cant stand those…

i type like pewter on them

31wpm is below average, but what exactly do you need to do? I don’t think you’ll be a transcriptionist or anything, but it’s enough to get you by, so long as you aren’t going to be typing for a living.

BlkP42E ~ If you put your fingers on the right keys then you wouldn’t have a problem. :smiley:

typing isn’t a huge deal… shoot for 45wpm or something

i know though, we won’t hire a secretary with anything less than 85wpm @ 100%

typing fast AND ACCURATE isn’t easy.

ok so whats average?


45wpm… I type anywhere between 60 and 85wpm depending on the typing test. I had one test tell me that I typed 135wpm (just not possible).

who do you get your averages from?

Those keyboards really work that well, I try to use them but I just get flustered with em’. Simply because I can’t type as fast

their big claim to fame is the fact that it ‘helps’ with ct … which is what people like m have to deal with… and in reality it doesn’t help flex the wrist any better than a standard keyboard…

i used one for a while, it’s pointless… now i just use an elevated board…

sucks to have your hands go numb like daily. :weak:

Whenever I was younger we had a typing tutor program, that usually gave me 65wpm. Then the random typing tests (that are accurate) that I find online give me anywhere between 60 and 85. except the once I got the 135 which is just ridiculously high. I know that I don’t type that fast.

Got a good one for me to take?