R.I.P Jeremy lusk

Fuck with the bull… you get the horns… i feel bad for his family… not so much him!

well that is kinda pushing it. i certainly feel bad for him and his family. hes just out making a living. he is one of the most talented fmx riders out there, so i dont wanna see any of the riders get hurt riding. its maybe just time for the sanctions to focus on restructuring the sport and take some of the focus off of doing the craziest tricks possible over standard, straight ramps and maybe make the courses with different lines and transfers. that would be interesting and allow the tricks to maybe get scaled back and focus more on the riding / jumping…which is afterall how freestyle started in the first place (see old freeride vids from early / mid-90s)

oh stop with that reactionary bullshit. Ive seen almost all of the Crusty/Children of a Metal God/MotoXXX/ etc. It’s always about pushing the limit. The second the sport stops innovating, it dies. I remember when Carey Hart tried the first backflip in competition @ the Gravity games 7 or 8 years ago. Before then, a backflip was pretty much a pipe dream. Now they are commonplace and Pastrana pulled a double. It’s sad that he died, but it was a fairly freak thing. It’s not like people didn’t know it was dangerous before this happened.

well i’d say adding things like wallride-type jumps, transfers and different obstacles to the tracks would make it more interesting and is progression. im sorry but hitting a straight ramp over a standard gap and then turning back around and doing another one, while doing just a trick is only gonna last so long. i think its gotta cap out at some point. what do u suggest, maybe a triple or quadrouple flip? give me a break. im not saying its bad to push the limits, i just defended Lusk in saying that the guys are def making a living by pushing the limits, which shouldnt mean you cant feel sorry for the guy, just cause he does something dangerous. my whole point is not to stop pushing the limit, but i just feel that the limit may be reached soon as far as what can be done over a single jump, so it wouldnt be a bad idea to start looking for other avenues

they should never even have been performing. it was pretty windy down there at the time. i’m sure it was a wind gust that caused the lack of rotation.


these guys never cease to amaze me. i dont have 1/4 of their talent and would never attempt a back flip. i remember the first time i seen a back flip and i remember thinking that someone was gonna get killed doing that shit, i also said that when i seen a double .its just amazing to me that they can pull this stuff off. i never met jeremy lusk but from what ive seen of him he was very talented and upbeat kinda guy. this is a terrible loss.

have you seen the guy do the front flip yet?

havent seen a front flip yet… who’s doing that?