R.I.P Ryan Dunn

Yes indeed.

I saw pics of what was left hooked on a tow truck. Couldn’t tell what it was

Yeah holy shit…

Used to be this:



OMG! Looks shopped

Holy shit I’m psychic!


I can’t find the legit article yet…

I think hes really dead. His twitter is no longer available.

Yeah I tried googling to find out if it was a hoax and there are 1000 death articles but i couldn’t find a single hoax article

Damn, RIP.

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck i was really hoping it was a hoax.

Dammit! A hoax of a hoax, fucking trolled.

Yeah it looks like he’s really dead. RIP.

why couldnt it have been rake yohn or someone else lol

I wonder how Bam is handling this. Those two were inseperable

Ryan lived with him for a long time didnt he?

Yeah definitely looking like its not a hoax…

yeah I think they did. They def. grew up close together. All the old videos of those guys, in their teens and what not. Man its a bummer Ryan is gone. I doubt this is a hoax.