Was riding home last night around 2:30am and noticed a FAMILIAR group of cars and a certain orange ZX10R with high performance heated hand grips… (i need those) parked @ ****** ****… anyway, i stopped an had some munchie… went on XXX did 2 pull’s. First one was 2nd - 4th? gear pull. I was ahead by a car or 2? (correct me if im wrong Will) an one 6th gear pull that I got stomped on…
(-1 and +2 owned me )
I wanna run again… (this time in differant lanes)… sorry, wasn’t really paying attention to the cramped space on your side…
Then apparently there was a 2 bike vs T/A run… But i forgot it was supposed to be bikes in 6th an the car got to use what gear he wanted… hahaha i forgot and took off in 2nd wondering why they dissapeared …oops :shrug:
definitely were never 2 cars apart… and they are pretty neck and neck even… he got the jump of about my nose to his tail and then we just crept each other non stop… next time we will run from DIFFERENT LANES… and try to keep from pushing me onto the rumble strips ;)… good runs… next time from a dig
oh… i thought that was what we were doin?!.. After all, when saw ya skeepin up i intentionally was trying to put you into the rail…err a i mean… uhh i couldnt control all that HP…an i uh… drifed over yeah thats it!:snky:
hey dont hate cause my bike is way sexxier than your urin colored rocket… j/k