from as a matter of fact, guys looking for a terminator.
lol @ everyone being confused by the siq jdm-ness rhd
if i had a cobra i would definately trade in a heartbeat
they put the steering wheel on the wrong side?
i keed.
that actually looks sweet, but trading for a cobra?? why would you give up something like that for a run of the mill american muscle car?
quick someone buy a cobra and then trade lol
maybe if it was a GTR, its a GTS-T I believe with a rb26 bottom end
+1, if it isnt a scam. Who sells a 70 thousand dollar car for 35, and esp. a RHD Skyline! or trades for a mustang.
i think that no longer becomes a factor when he has all of those parts, and its making 510 wheel anyways!
thats like paying more for an SS camaro over a Z28 because of the badge
GTR > This thing, any day
I had the same shifter in my 240… lol
2 tachs no speedo
The seller states it’s not in perfect condition, i agree, engine compartment looks beat, some scratches on the fenders, wheels look a little curb’d. I’d give him like 15k for it.
$15k for a 500hp skyline yea GL with that one
I love that he owns a skyline and lives in a house worth just as much as the car.
I thought the exact same thing the second I saw the pictures.
ya that house looks fuckin shitty lol
That 96 skyline is not worth 70k…
10-15k more like it. A newer cobra is worth double.
Seems like an idiot would trade him.
hot damn, too bad I dont got the cobra cause i would trade. beautiful. is it legal in NYS though?