Throwing down from 3SI.org

I would just like to say that as much as he talks about his uncle, i wouldn’t be surprised that SGT trooper trooper or w/e his name is is on his actual list.

EPIC thread. Kept me entertained :rofl

I love the user name.

Burgular sings into facebook at victims house and forgets to log off:

The popular online social networking site Facebook helped lead to an alleged burglar’s arrest after he stopped check his account on the victim’s computer, but forgot to log out before leaving the home with two diamond rings.

[The victim] told police that someone had broken into her home through a bedroom window.

There were open cabinets in her garage, and other signs of a burglar.

The victim later noticed that the intruder also used her computer to check his Facebook status, and his account was still open when she checked the computer.


Hey Racehatch fag was this you? Is this where you got those pictures of the girls you banged?

Fuck this racehatch kid. He’s probably skinnier than I am and can’t fight his way out of a paper bag in real life, so he resorts to the internet to take out his anger on the world.

Made it all the way to the corvette forum.
and i must say good job yall on bustin’ this kids ass.
oh and i want to ask rac92eghatch…
how is your ex gf a lesbian now? Like serious dude how?

I just posted this on failbaltss.net’s offtopic section.

thinking about posting this on the almighty clubrsx’s off topic forum…

Oh yeah, well I posted it as my facebook status!


It’s the least you could do after losing to Hatfield and I in beer pong at Myer’s party the other night :rofl

Um, wat?

who was my partner i dont remember.


Oh, I see what happened there…

Can somebody recap this thread for me?

What page does the good stuff start on? What did he get owned on?

I’m usually up to date on threads but I somehow must have missed this one.

I would say you’re safe starting at page ten.

Wasn’t it Lance?

every single page has epic ownage on it.

no exaggeration

nah dont think i had the horror of playing with that man


horror=honor? you suck like .1% as much as rac man and that’s A LOT

fuck your shit i challenge you this weekend :ohnoes