The pics are somewhere in this thread…in the early pages

my avatar is his sister and some other girl… both of which he “banged” :rofl :rofl

I wonder if his father is also his brother?

I read all pages, never found anything.

well i know his uncle is SARGENT TROOPER, thats about the extent of my knowledge of his family tree

Maybe he edited the post, they were all hosted with tinypic.com i think

Idk where you got 30 year olds you chode whistler, most everyone in here posting is 18-21yrs old with the exception of a few 22-26yr olds, fag.

ahh, then chode chomper (rac92egfaghatch) must’ve edited his post

Sargent Trooper is copywritten by me


This is the post he edited that had the pics in it.

We need a summary thread.

SINGH! Get to work! :lol

O K ! im back now and i can find all the original posts, dont you worry he cant delete his original stuff

Is there any way to see his -reps, Mods? I am sure theres some gold there also…

I can’t wait.


What a jacker offer

Pos rep for up and coming epic post!

never said i made it up calm down

Already gave rep. :slight_smile:

Wait so even after people edit their posts you can go back and find their original post anyways? How come the site I used to mod on didnt have ridiculous shit like that on it?:Idiots

Eh whatever in for seeing these skeezes since I missed out


Singh is a Vbulletin hackzorz :bowdown